
九州大学医学研究院 保健学部門 教授

名前 勝田 仁(かつた ひとし)
卒業年 1992(平成4)年
学位取得年月 1998年3月 医学博士学位取得
専門領域 内科学、糖尿病学、再生医学、分子生物学
資格 日本内科学会認定内科医、日本糖尿病学会専門医、日本医師会認定産業医
所属学会 日本内科学会、日本糖尿病学会、日本内分泌学会、日本再生医療学会、日本臨床検査医学会















  1. Katsuta H, et al. Lyn-mediated down-regulation of B cell antigen receptor signaling: inhibition of protein kinase C activation by Lyn in a kinase-independent fashion. J Immunol 1998; 160: 1547-51.
  2. Katsuta H, et al. cDNA microarray analysis after laser microdissection in proliferating islets of partially pancreatectomized mice. Med Mol Morphol 2005; 38: 30-5.
  3. Inada A, et al. Carbonic anhydrase II-positive pancreatic cells are progenitors for both endocrine and exocrine pancreas after birth. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008; 105: 19915-9.
  4. Nagaya M, et al. Adult mouse intrahepatic biliary epithelial cells induced in vitro to become insulin-producing cells. J Endocrinol 2009; 201: 37-47.
  5. Weir GC, et al. Towards better understanding of the contributions of overwork and glucotoxicity to the beta-cell inadequacy of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab 2009; Suppl4: 82-90.
  6. Kikugawa R, et al. Differentiation of COPAS-sorted non-endocrine pancreatic cells into insulin-positive cells in the mouse. Diabetologia 2009; 52: 645-52.
  7. Katsuta H, et al. Single pancreatic beta cells co-express multiple islet hormone genes in mice. Diabetologia 2010; 53: 128-38.
  8. Kennedy J, Katsuta H, Jung MH, Marselli L, Goldfine AB, Balis UJ, Sgroi D, Bonner-Weir S, Weir GC. Protective unfolded protein response in human pancreatic beta cells transplanted into mice. PLoS One. 2010; 5(6):e11211.
  9. Katsuta H, Aguayo-Mazzucato C, Katsuta R, Akashi T, Hollister-Lock J, Sharma AJ, Bonner-Weir S, Weir GC. Subpopulations of GFP-marked mouse pancreatic β-cells differ in size, granularity, and insulin secretion. Endocrinology. 2012; 153(11):5180-7.
  10. Caballero F, Siniakowicz K, Hollister-Lock J, Duran L, Katsuta H, Yamada T, Lei J, Deng S, Westermark GT, Markmann J, Bonner-Weir S, Weir GC. Birth and death of human β-cells in pancreas from cadaver donors, autopsies, surgical specimens, and islets transplanted into mice. Cell Transplant. 2013 Jan 2. [Epub ahead of print]
  11. El Ouaamari A, Kawamori D, Dirice E, Liew CW, Shadrach JL, Hu J, Katsuta H, Hollister-Lock J, Qian WJ, Wagers AJ, Kulkarni RN. Liver-derived systemic factors drive β cell hyperplasia in insulin-resistant states. Cell Rep. 2013; 3(2):401-10.
  12.  Inada A, et al. Adjusting the 17β-Estradiol-to-Androgen Ratio Ameliorates Diabetic Nephropathy.
    J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016; PMID: 26940099
  13. Watanabe S et al. Nuclear co-expression of p21 and p27 induced effective cell-cycle arrest in T24 cells treated with BCG.Cytotechnology. 2019; 71(1):219-229.