
臨床検査医学分野 准教授

名前 金地 佐千子(かなじ さちこ)
卒業年 1996(平成8)年
学位取得年月 2002年 医学博士学位取得
専門領域 血液内科学、血栓止血学
所属学会 日本血液学会、日本血栓止血学会、
日本臨床検査医学会、 American Society of Hematology



九州大学病院、国家公務員共済組合連合会浜の町病院 研修医


九州大学大学院 医学系研究科


The Scripps Research Institute (Research Associate)


佐賀大学医学部分子生命科学講座 助教


Blood Research Institute, Blood Center of Wisconsin (現Versiti) (Research Scientist)


The Scripps Research Institute (Sr. Staff Scientist)

九州大学大学院医学研究院 臨床検査医学分野 准教授


  1. Kanaji S, Iwahashi J, Kida Y, Sakaguchi M, Mihara K: Characterization of the signal that directs Tom20 to the mitochondrial outer membrane. J Cell Biol 151 (2): 277-288, 2000
  2. Kanaji S, Kanaji T, Furihata K, Kato K, Ware JL, Kunicki TJ: Convulxin binds to native, human glycoprotein Ib alpha. J Biol Chem 278 (41): 39452-39460, 2003
  3. Kato K, Kanaji T, Russell S, Kunicki TJ, Furihata K, Kanaji S, Marchese P, Reininger A, Ruggeri ZM, Ware J: The contribution of glycoprotein VI to stable platelet adhesion and thrombus formation illustrated by targeted gene deletion. Blood 102 (5): 1701-1707, 2003
  4. Kanaji S, Kanaji T, Jacquelin B, Chang M, Nugent DJ, Komatsu N, Moroi M, Izuhara K, Kunicki TJ: Thrombopoietin initiates demethylation-based transcription of GP6 during megakaryocyte differentiation. Blood 105 (10): 3888-3892, 2005
  5. Kanaji S, Kanaji T, Migita M, Kunishima S, Kunicki TJ, Okamura T, Izuhara K: Characterization of a patient with atypical amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia. Eur J Haematol 80 (4): 361-364, 2008
  6. Kanaji S, Kanaji T, Honda M, Nakazato S, Wakayama K, Tabata Y, Shibata S, Gondo H, Nakamura I, Node K, Miura M, Miyahara M, Okamura T, Nagumo F, Ohta S, Izuhara K: Identification of four novel mutations in F5 associated with congenital factor V deficiency. Int J Hematol 89 (1): 71-75, 2009
  7. Kanaji S, Fahs SA, Shi Q, Haberichter SL, Montgomery RR: Contribution of platelet vs. endothelial VWF to platelet adhesion and hemostasis. J Thromb Haemost 10 (8):1646-1652, 2012
  8. Kanaji S, Kuether EL, Fahs SA, Schroeder JA, Ware J, Montgomery RR, Shi Q: Correction of murine Bernard-Soulier syndrome by lentivirus-mediated gene therapy. Mol Ther 20 (3): 625-632, 2012
  9. Kanaji T, Kanaji S, Montgomery RR, Patel SB, Newman PJ: Platelet hyperreactivity explains the bleeding abnormality and macrothrombocytopenia in a murine model of sitosterolemia. Blood 122 (15): 2732-2742, 2013
  10. Kanaji S, Fahs SA, Ware J, Montgomery RR, Shi Q: Non-myeloablative conditioning with busulfan before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation leads to phenotypic correction of murine Bernard- Soulier syndrome. J Thromb Haemost 12 (10): 1726-1732, 2014
  11. Kanaji S, Orje JN, Kanaji T, Kamikubo Y, Morodomi Y, Chen Y, Zarpellon A, Eberhardt J, Forli S, Fahs SA, Sood R, Haberichter SL, Montgomery RR, Ruggeri ZM: Humanized GPIbalpha-von Willebrand factor interaction in the mouse. Blood Adv (19): 2522-2532, 2018
  12. Kanaji T, Vo MN, Kanaji S, Zarpellon A, Shapiro R, Morodomi Y, Yuzuriha A, Eto K, Belani R, Do MH, Yang XL, Ruggeri ZM, Schimmel P: Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase stimulates thrombopoietin-independent hematopoiesis accelerating recovery from thrombocytopenia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115 (35): E8228-e8235, 2018
  13. Morodomi Y, Kanaji S, Won E, Ruggeri ZM, Kanaji T: Mechanisms of anti-GPIbalpha antibody-induced thrombocytopenia in mice. Blood 135 (25): 2292-2301, 2020
  14. Kanaji S, Morodomi Y, Weiler H, Zarpellon A, Montgomery RR, Ruggeri ZM, Kanaji T: The impact of aberrant von Willebrand factor-GPIbα interaction on megakaryopoiesis and platelets in humanized type 2B von Willebrand disease model mouse. Haematologica 107 (9): 2133-2143, 2022
  15. Kanaji T, Morodomi Y, Kanaji S: Circulating immune cells with megakaryocyte signature in response to COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. Thromb Res 220: 1-4, 2022
  16. Morodomi Y, Kanaji S, Sullivan BM, Zarpellon A, Orje JN, Won E, Shapiro R, Yang XL, Ruf W, Schimmel P, Ruggeri ZM, Kanaji T: Inflammatory platelet production stimulated by tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase mimicking viral infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119 (48): e2212659119, 2022
  17. Kanaji S, Chen W, Morodomi Y, Shapiro R, Kanaji T, Yang XL: Mechanistic perspectives on anti-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase syndrome. Trends Biochem Sci 48(3):288-302, 2023